Mar 19Liked by Wendy

I have a friend whose daughter is a student in a state where abortion is now illegal. When scotus overturned RvW, my friend took her daughter to get an IUD the next time she came home.

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WOW. I mean, it makes sense but also, yikes too.

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Mar 18Liked by Wendy

100%. This is also me telling my kids (who like to razz me) "sure you can go to Liberty etc but dad and I won't be paying for a penny of your schooling" 😊

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This reminds me of the fact that a year or so ago, someone DMed me to ask if I had thoughts on Liberty vs Bob Jones University for their kid. I was like .... um, I'm not the correct person for this question....

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We have absolutely had these conversations with our kids. So far none of my kids have even expressed interest in applying to a college in a state that doesn't reflect their values. My current 11th grader deletes alot of emails and throws out alot of mail.

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